Clarence Cannon Dam Flood Repair

About the Project

This USACE project consisted of repairing damage caused by the 2008 flood event. The contract called for RKE to be given 48 hours’ notice for a 28 day “shut down” period. During the shutdown period RKE needed to complete all phases of work that would be underwater after the dam gates reopen. RKE finished its required work on day 28 and gates opened as scheduled. Major features of work consisted of care of water, 100,000 tons of stone protection ranging in size from 140 lbs to 5000 lbs, 60,000 SF of articulated concrete block revetment, shotcrete retaining wall, approximately 1000′ chain-link fencing, pipe bollards (vehicular fence), 85 tons of sheet piling, 90 LF of precast concrete toe protection anchored into bedrock with caissons removal of debris in the river channel, 142,000 CY of excavation, 92,000 CY of off-site material disposal, geosynthetics, aggregate base course, concrete barriers (vehicular fence), sidewalks, stairs and handrails, establishment of turf, surveying and staking, and electrical work.
