This USACE project involved completion the pump station substructure to elevation 190.0.
After the unwatering and inspection the project, RKE built a dewatering system consisting of 19 deep wells around the 13 acre jobsite circumference. The system was powered by electric with diesel backup generators and ran successfully 24 hours a day for 2 years. During the 500 year flood event of 2011 the system held out pumping over 10,000 GA/min until the flood waters subsided and the system was no longer needed.
Other features of work included cleanup and repair of deficiencies from the previous contract, 253,000 CY of earthwork (excavation, structural backfill, embankment, etc.), cofferdams, environmental protection, surveying and staking, stone protection, repair and completion of underground drainage system and construction of a 40 tall monolithic mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall. All embedded items, including drains, valves, pipe, conduit, access hatches, anchor bolts, frames, personnel doors, handrails and ladders were installed under this contract. All earthen areas were sloped to drain, fertilized and seeded. Approximately 5600 LF of chain link security fencing was installed.